Celebrating a Year of Virtual TSO for Baycrest@Home Members! In partnership with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Celebrating a Year of Virtual TSO for Baycrest@Home Members! In partnership with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra
On Monday, June 12, 2023, our Baycrest@Home team, clients and families gathered with over 150+ of our closest friends for a very special concert presented in partnership with our friends at the TSO!!
Toronto Symphony Orchestra musicians Clare Semes (TSO Violin) and Kelly Zimba Lukic (TSO Principal Flute) joined us LIVE on our Baycrest campus to perform an hour-long program for members of Baycrest@Home, residents of Baycrest Terraces and their family members and caregivers.
Wrapping up this season’s Virtual TSO activities with TSO musicians, the event marked the first time our virtual community has gathered in-person! Not only did we come together to enjoy a shared love of music and performance, we were witness to lots of hugs and “first times”:
- Meeting our online friends face-to-face, including greetings with members of our Baycrest@Home team from Therapeutic Recreationists and exercise specialists, Irina and Patti, to Social Workers Yuliya, Selina and Melissa.
- Sharing hugs and favourite “how we met” moments from attending programs over Zoom together
- Sitting together, side-by-side in our seats, enjoying familiar classics and an original composition by Alison Yun-Fei Jiang (TSO’s RBC Affiliate Composer)
- Songs by request from our audience members, including a few very special TSO donors, whose generosity makes it possible for all communities to participate in Virtual TSO programming
Special thanks to B@H member and music fan Sophie, a regular at our Power of Music and Virtual TSO programs for her wonderful presentation of flowers and words of appreciation on behalf of the B@H community, including residents at Baycrest Terraces who’ve been enjoying these intimate concerts every week over Zoom.
It was a wonderful way to celebrate the TSO and Baycrest@Home partnership and our joint commitment to the health and well-being of older adults in our local communities.