How do I log in?

1. On your internet browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc.), please navigate to

2. Click Log In in the top right-hand corner

navigation menu image

3. Sign in with your username and password.

Please Note: If you have forgotten your password, click “Forgot your password?” and enter your email address. It will send you a link in your inbox to reset your password.

How do I stayed logged in for 30 days?

When you are logging into your membership account you will have the option to check a box to “Keep Me Logged In for 30 Days”. If checked off, this new feature will remember your log in session for 30 days, even if you close your website browser or shut off your computer. 

This new feature if enabled, will allow you quicker access to your membership account, bypassing the need to have to log in using your email address and password for 30 days. You will be able to hop into your favourite live program or access our extensive video library with even less access barriers than before. 

For account security reasons, please do not check the “Keep Me Logged In for 30 Days” box if you are using a public or shared computer. While this feature is very helpful when using a personal device, leaving your account signed in on a publicly accessible computer could grant access to unauthorized usage of your membership account. 

Should you ever want to logout of your account and end your 30 day log in session, you can simply logout using the dropdown menu at the top right portion of your screen on a desktop or by opening the mobile menu on a tablet or phone. 

How do I join a live program?

1. From the Members Area Home Page, click the “Join Now” button to join a program that is currently in progress. Your browser will then open Zoom on your device.

Join now button example

2. You can also click the Live Programs tab in the top right to see what’s currently live.

members navigation example

What do I need to attend a live program?

  1. Technical Considerations:


  1. Physical Surroundings:
  •   Find a quiet, well-lit room that is free of distractions.
  •   Sit on a comfortable, supportive chair.
  •   Remove clutter from around your computer or device.
  •   Check your internet connection to ensure it is working properly.
  •   Confirm that both your audio and microphone work – whether you use your computer, headphones, or an external speaker.
  •   Ensure the sound on your device is at a comfortable level.
  •   Eliminate all ambient noise, such as a radio or TV that may be on in the background.


  1. Be ready for the program:
  •   Put your cell phone on silent mode, if possible.
  •   Have a glass of water nearby for both you and the person joining with youin your care.
  •   Have paper and a pen handy, in case you need to jot notes or questions down during the session.
  •   Wear your hearing aid and/or glasses, or keep them nearby.
  •   Build in a washroom break prior to the program start, so you can participate comfortably.
  •   Join the Zoom session a few minutes early so you are ready to participate in the program when it begins.
  •   Set your Zoom name. To learn how, click here.
  •   If there is noise in your home, consider activating the “mute” button until it is your turn to speak.

How do I install Zoom on my device?

Please see this article here for instructions on how to download the Zoom client for your device:

Please note: You do not need a Zoom account to access Baycrest@Home live programs.

What can I expect in a live program?

There are a wide variety of live programs! Broadly, they fall into six categories:

  1. Move (exercise programs)
  2. Discuss (discussion groups on a variety of topics and themes)
  3. Share
  4. Relax
  5. Listen/Sing
  6. Learn

We have designated varying levels of participation in programs: you’ll find some are presentation/lecture style, some are moderate and others are high levels of participation. If you’d like to find out more, feel free to reach out to and ask to speak to one of our recreationists to ensure the right fit for you!

How do I search for a program?

Once you’re logged in, you can use the Search bar from any page.

search bar example

How do I see the calendar of events?

1. Click on Live Programs from the Member Home page.

member navigation example

2. Scroll down to see the current day’s schedule. You can also click on any day of the week to see what’s coming up.

live program navigation example

How do I download or print the calendar?

1. Click on Live Programs from the Member Home Page.

member navigation example

2. Scroll down to the week’s schedule and click “Download/Print Week Schedule”.

download or print schedule button example

3. It will open your browser’s print menu. You’ll be able to choose your printer and print the upcoming week’s schedule.

download or print schedule example


How do I watch a video?

1. Click on the Videos tab.

member navigation videos example

2. Select a category of interest, e.g. Art, Brain Games, Concerts, Mindfulness. The default category is “All” which displays all categories and videos as you scroll down the webpage. Once you have chosen your desired category and video, click on the “Watch now” button.

video categories example

watch now button example

3. Once your desired video page loads, click the PLAY icon or anywhere on the image to play the video.

play video button example

4. To choose a different video, use the “GO BACK” button on the video page or choose the Videos tab again as you did in step 4.

go back button example

How do I search for a video?

1. Click within the search box.

search bar example

2. Enter any search term that comes to mind. The more specific you are, the better chance you will find what you are looking for.

3. Once the search term is typed press return on your keyboard, or click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box.

4. In the search results navigation choose Videos

5. When you have found the video you are looking to watch, click on the title of the video. You’ll be taken to the Videos page.

6. To watch the video please refer to the Help article on “How do I watch a video?”

How do I use video player controls?

1. Choose the video you are interested in watching and click into the videos page.

2. Start playing the video by clicking on the PLAY icon or anywhere on the image.

play video button example

3. Once the video has started playing you will notice controls at the bottom of the video box.

video playbar example

4. From left to right you will find these controls:

Play/Pause: this will allow you to play or pause a video.
Video timeline: click anywhere in the timeline to fast forward or rewind to a different time in your selected video
Volume: by default the video player is set to 100%. To turn the volume up or down, click on any of the 5 volume bars. Note: this volume control is independent of your computer’s volume control. It is best practice to set the volume to a comfortable and safe listening level on your computer first, then fine tune using the video controls.
Video quality settings: this controls the picture quality of the video you are watching. The higher the number, the better the quality. Better quality video also requires a fast internet connection. This setting is set to “auto” by default and that setting is typically good for all viewers.
Picture in picture: this will minimize the video to a new window on your screen allowing you to watch the video while continuing to browse the webpage.
Full screen: This allows a viewer to make the video take up their whole screen when clicking on the icon making everything larger. To exit full screen press the “esc” button on the top left of your keyboard.

How do I create a watchlist?

1. Click on the Videos tab.

member navigation videos example

2. Select a category of interest. The default category is “All” which displays all categories and videos as you scroll down the webpage. Once you have chosen your desired category and video, click on the “Watch now” button.

watch now button example

3. When the video page loads, scroll down the webpage and you will see a button labeled “Watch Later”. Click on that button to save a video to your Watch List.

watch later button example

4. There are two ways to view the videos added to your watch list. a) click on the Videos tab and click the “Watch List” button which is located just above the video categories; or b) enter any video page and scroll down the page until you see the “View Watch List” button. Click on that button to go to your Watch List.

watch list button example

5. To remove a video from your Watch List, please click the red X on the desired videos image.


How do I see My Account?

1. Click the down arrow next to your name in the top right-hand corner.

my account dropdown example

2. Click on My Account. In this area, you’ll be able to manage your address, change your password, edit your membership plan and view your billing details & past invoices.

How to update payment details

1. Click the down arrow next to your name in the top right-hand corner.

my account dropdown example

2. Click on My Account.

3. Select Billing and Invoices in the right-hand side.

billing and invoices navigation example

4. Click Update Card.

5. Complete your billing details (card number, expiry month/year, security code, and billing address) and click Update Card.

billing details example